Conversion From Kuwaiti Dinar To Nigerian Naira
Using the Markets Insider currency converter, you can quickly convert the Kuwaiti dinar to the Nigerian naira. The current exchange rate is available for conversions for visitors to Kuwait. A currency calculator is a useful tool for investors buying and selling stocks on foreign stock exchanges using different currenciesing stocks on foreign stock exchanges using different currencies, the currency calculator is a useful tool.
Select the chosen exchange rate date to convert the Kuwaiti dinar to the Nigerian naira at both the current and historical exchange rates. By default, the date is set to today.
The currency converter also displays the highest and lowest conversion rates between the Kuwaiti dinar and the Nigerian naira for the previous day’s closing rate. The findings are shown in a table that is organized clearly. The Markets Insider currency converter also provides alternative exchange rates for approximately 160 different foreign currencies in addition to the Kuwaiti dinar to Nigerian naira rate.
How much is a Kuwait to Naira?
You have presently chosen Nigerian naira as the target currency with a value of 1, and Kuwaiti dinar as the base currency. You can choose the preferred conversion rates for around 160 different world currencies from the two lists in the menu.
- Pounds to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today
- Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today
- Euro to Naira Black Market Rate Today
Furthermore, you can compute past exchange rates in addition to the current rate with the currency calculator. The results are shown in a table along with the opening rate, closing rate from the previous day, and lowest and highest rates for that particular date.
Handy Conversion Data Table
How much is 1000 kuwaiti dinar to naira, 10000 kuwait currency to naira, 5000 kuwaiti dinar to naira, 100 kuwaiti dinar to naira, 50 kuwaiti dinar to naira, 500 kuwaiti dinar to naira. Below the conversion of Kuwaiti-Dinar to Naira.
Kuwaiti-Dinar to Nigerian-Naira | Nigerian-Naira to Kuwaiti-Dinar | ||
1 KWD | 1,369.5127 NGN | 1 NGN | 0.0007 KWD |
2 KWD | 2,739.0254 NGN | 2 NGN | 0.0015 KWD |
5 KWD | 6,847.5636 NGN | 5 NGN | 0.0037 KWD |
10 KWD | 13,695.1272 NGN | 10 NGN | 0.0073 KWD |
15 KWD | 20,542.6908 NGN | 15 NGN | 0.011 KWD |
20 KWD | 27,390.2544 NGN | 20 NGN | 0.0146 KWD |
25 KWD | 34,237.818 NGN | 25 NGN | 0.0183 KWD |
50 KWD | 68,475.6359 NGN | 50 NGN | 0.0365 KWD |
100 KWD | 136,951.2718 NGN | 100 NGN | 0.073 KWD |
500 KWD | 684,756.3591 NGN | 500 NGN | 0.3651 KWD |
1000 KWD | 1,369,512.7182 NGN | 1000 NGN | 0.7302 KWD |
2500 KWD | 3,423,781.7955 NGN | 2500 NGN | 1.8255 KWD |
5000 KWD | 6,847,563.591 NGN | 5000 NGN | 3.6509 KWD |
10000 KWD | 13,695,127.1819 NGN | 10000 NGN | 7.3019 KWD |
Today, August 22, 2022, the Kuwaiti Dinar to Naira exchange rate on international exchange markets (FX markets) is ₦1,362.6907 to 1KWD. Monday, August 15, 2022, marked the commencement of the previous week, and the dinar was trading at ₦1,363.088. Since last week, the KD to Naira exchange rate has decreased in the FX markets by 0.03%.
When we consider the entire month, we can see that on August 1st, 2022, the dinar to naira exchange rate was ₦1,352.0676. We now see a 0.79% increase in KD to Naira exchange rates in the FX markets for August, with the Dinar trading at ₦1,362.6907 as of right now.